Cash flow structure

The cash flow structure ratios reflect the proportion of each cash flow component in the enterprise's statement of cash flows during the period.

  • Cash flow from operating activities - Shows the enterprise's ability to generate cash from its core business activities.

  • Cash flow from financial activities - Derived from activities that cause a change in the structure and size of the equity and debt of the enterprise.

  • Other investment activities - Involved in fixed asset investment, real estate investment and financial investment.

  • Net cash flow during the period - Cash received from investments after deducting expenses in the business.

  • Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) - Investment cost to repurchase, upgrade and maintain fixed assets.

  • Financial investment (net) - The difference between receipts and expenditures from financial activities.

  • Free Cash Flow (FCF) - The amount of money a business accumulates after it has paid all the necessary expenses for all business activities.

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