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The portfolio is designed by SmartDragon based on investors' profit expectations & risk appetite, including 3 portfolios:
Contrarian portfolio - Expected return from 8-10%, dividend yield >7%.
Balanced portfolio - Expected return 10-15%, dividend yield >5%.
Growth portfolio - Expected return from 22-25%.
To access Smart Portfolio, there are 2 ways:
Method 1: Click the "Smart portfolio" icon on the screen.
Method 2: Click the icon > Click "Smart Portfolio".
Each portfolio has 5 stocks and is evaluated and updated by Rong Viet experts every month to match the situation and trends of the market.
Diversification analysis includes 3 charts:
Stock allocation chart - Shows the distribution of stocks in a portfolio based on market capitalization.
Sector allocation chart - Shows the distribution of the proportion of industry groups in the portfolio.
Capitalization allocation chart - Shows the distribution of capitalization groups in the portfolio, including 4 capitalization groups:
Large-caps - Enterprises with market capitalization ≥ 10,000 billion VND.
Mid-caps - Enterprises with market capitalization ≥ 5,000 billion VND and < 10,000 billion VND.
Small-caps - Enterprises with market capitalization ≥ 300 billion VND and < 5,000 billion VND.
Micro-caps - Enterprises with market capitalization < 300 billion VND.
To evaluate the portfolio investment efficiency, SmartDragon compares the return rate of the portfolio with 2 reference indexes including VN30 and VN Index according to the timelines:
1 W - 1 Week
1M - 1 Month
3M - 3 Months
1 Y - 1 Year
YTD - Year to Date
The chart shows the Smart Score and Risk distribution, where:
The vertical axis is the stock's beta (the stock's volatility risk).
The horizontal axis is the stock's Smart Score.
The size of the circle represents the capitalization of the business.
In the Portfolio Analysis, shows:
P/E (of the portfolio) - Evaluates the correlation between the market price of all stocks in the portfolio (Price) and the earnings of all businesses in the portfolio (EPS).
Beta (of the portfolio) - Measures the volatility of the portfolio with the overall volatility of the stock market.
Expected Return (of the portfolio) - The expected rate of return from the portfolio.
Sharpe Raito - Measures how much return is earned per unit of risk when investing in a portfolio.
Alpha - Evaluates the portfolio's investment performance, showing the residual return after offsetting the portfolio's risk.