Investment recommendation
Last updated
Last updated
BUY - The buy signal is confirmed with the price & volume moving in a positive direction, investors need to combine SMARTSCORE Business scoring and personal perspective to disburse the appropriate proportion for each stock. Stocks with SmartScore >=50 will have a more stable & sustainable price increase probability.
HOLD - Stock price has increased relative to the recommended buy time, investors need to limit new purchases to keep the advantage of low cost accumulated in the previous period.
SELL - Confirmed sell signal with price volume moving in the negative direction. The stock price has reached its target or entered a short/medium-term risk zone. It is recommended that investors take partial profits to realize profits.
FOLLOW - The stock has sold completely (closed position), monitoring to wait for new buying opportunities.
Recommendation date: BUY recommendation date.
Number of sessions (T+): Trading from the date of the BUY recommendation.
Bid/Ask price: Price at the time the SmartTrade system makes a recommendation.
Temporary profit (Gain/Loss): Estimated based on the rate of change in price from the date of the BUY recommendation to the present time (or to the time of the SELL recommendation on the stock).