Bank charts

The Bank charts has 23 charts representing 5 different groups of ratios: growth index, profit quality, profitability ratio, financial structure and profit structure.

There are 5 groups of charts:

1. Growth index chart

  • Income Growth - Shows the growth rate of Non-Interest Income, Net Interest Income and Profit After Tax of the Banking industry over each period.

2. Financial structure charts

  • Asset Structure - Shows the composition of the banking sector's assets over time.

  • Capital Structure - Shows the composition of capital sources of the banking industry over each period.

  • Equity Structure - Shows the composition of equity of the banking industry over each period.

  • LDR ratio - Shows the amount of customer deposits, customer loans and the Banking LDR index over each period.

  • Leverage ratio - Shows total assets, equity and leverage ratio of the banking industry over each period.

  • Loans Porfolio by Term - Shows the amount of short-term, medium-term and short-term loans to the Banking industry over each period.

  • Deposits Portfolio by Type - Shows demand deposits, term deposits, margin deposits and total deposits of banking customers over each period.

3. Profit quality charts

  • Cash Flow - Shows cash flow from financing activities, investing activities, operating activities and net cash flow of the Banking industry over each period.

  • Non-performing Loan ratio - Shows non-performing loan ratio (NPL) and the ratio of provisions for lending/lending to banking customers over each period.

4. Profit structure charts

  • Net revenue (Year) - Shows net revenue of 4 quarters of Banking industry over each year.

  • Net income (Year) - Show profit after tax for 4 quarters of Banking industry over each year.

  • Total Operating Income - Shows the growth rate and total operating income of Banking industry over each period.

  • Income Structure - Show the components of income and profit after tax of Banking industry over each period.

  • Net Income - Shows the growth rate and total profit after tax of Banking industry over each period.

  • Interest Income Structure - Shows the components of net interest income of Banking industry over each period.

  • Total Operating Income Structure - Shows the components of operating income of Banking industry over each period.

  • Net Income Structure - Shows the components of profit after tax of Banking industry over each period.

  • Non-interest Income/Interest Income - Shows net interest income, net interest from service activities and the ratio of non-interest income/interest income from Banking industry over each period.

  • CASA ratio - Shows current account savings account ratio (CASA) of Banking industry over each period.

5. Profitability ratio

  • Profit Margin - Shows cost to income (CIR), profit margin before credit risk provision and net profit margin of Banking industry over each period.

  • Management Performance - Shows ROA and ROE ratio of Banking industry over each period.

  • Profitability of Banks - Shows net profit margin (NIM), cost of fund (COF) and yeild on earning assets (YEOA) of Banking industry over each period.

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