Dashboard gives you the best overview of all the features that SmartDragon has to offer.

You can quickly view and access key features in two ways:

  1. Click the icons on the left corner of the screen;

Other functions

Change the light - dark mode

To change the view mode, following 2 steps:

  1. Click "Settings" at the top right corner of the screen;

  2. On/off "Dark Mode" to choose a dark / light mode.

Switch the Language state

You can change the language of the platform to Vietnamese or English through the following steps:

  1. Select the language used - English or Vietnamese.

View stock details at Dashboard

Method 1: Drag the mouse to the SMARTTRADE feature > Click on the recommended stock area.

Method 2: Drag the mouse to the SMART PORTFOLIO feature > Click to select the ticker in the portfolio.

Last updated